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“I hold you near my heart everyday, but on this day I hold you a...
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“Be sure to celebrate the many Small things… bright days, good friends, and Anything with...
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“A great many things can be resolved with kindness, even More with laughter, but there...
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“Some people call them decades—I prefer to call them my ‘collected works’.” Small words: “all...
$ 4.95
“Wishing very sparkly things for very sparkly you!” Small words: “the world is so lucky...
$ 4.95
“Happy Birthday Darling You!” Small worlds: "wishing you all the best parts" Embrace the magic...
$ 4.95
“If life hasn’t given you a double chin has it even been lived?” Embrace the...
$ 4.95
“Wishing you an enormously happy birthday!” Small words: “happy happy happy birthday to you” Embrace...
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“The day you were born the World had to make room for a little more...
$ 4.95
“May your coming year be just like you: bright, sweet, and surprisingly refreshing!” Small words:...
$ 4.95
“Celebrating all the things that make you you!” Small words: “wishing you a brilliantly happy...
$ 4.95
“Look at you out there making folks proud!” Small words: “It is a very great...
$ 4.95
“Oodles of Congratulations!” Small words: “carbs of achievement” Embrace the magic of small moments with...
$ 4.95
“No matter what is on the other side of waiting, you are already whole.” Embrace...
$ 4.95
“It is important to remember that the beginning can be anywhere along the way.” Small...
$ 4.95
“If the seas were always calm, we would never build a better boat.” Small words:...
$ 4.95
“Sometimes you’ve got to put on your big girl boots and prove that you can...
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“Things will usually be tough before they are brilliant. Ask any diamond.” Small words: “Sometimes...
$ 4.95
“I am fairly certain that given a Cape and a nice tiara, I could save...
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“I can’t carry this for you—but I can help carry you when it gets too...
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“Goodbye.” she said, “I’m off to join the circus.” Small words: “She occasionally get a...
$ 4.95
“One cannot survive on cleverness alone. One must also have chocolate.” Small words: “love, laugher,...
$ 4.95
“Go! Oh, go! Go out to see the world! And wherever you go, be brave....
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“I’m not sure who invented sending flowers when times are tough… donuts are far more...
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“Work hard. Do your part. Be kind. And Darling, don’t forget there’s magic.” Small words:...
$ 4.95
“Dreams don’t happen because we dream them…they happen because we do something about them.” Small...
$ 4.95
“Everything is temporary. Even this.” Small words: “I am here for you” Embrace the magic...
$ 4.95
“The boulder does not slow the river, it expands her path.” Small words: “so often...
$ 4.95
“The question is not “Will you find your wings?” It’s “What are you going to...
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“Faith is not protection from the storms, it is knowing that you will either find...
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“Find your voice then listen to it. Even when it shakes. Especially then.” Small words:...
$ 4.95
“If there was never any darkness, we would never see the fireflies.” Small words: “with...
$ 4.95
“The great thing is, once we let go of being everything, we have the opportunity...
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“Growth feels a lot like failure at first. Anything becoming something must first fail at...
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“There are lessons for us in everything. Even the hard things. Even the things that...
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“I would like to volunteer to hug you until it feels better. This may take...
$ 4.95
“No ship makes the journey alone. She needs the wind and the stars and the...
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“We have a hung a lantern in our hearts.” Small words: “We cannot replace what...
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“Life is tough. I recommend getting a manicure and a really cute helmet.” Small words:...
$ 4.95
“We do not need to have all of the answers. There is a lot of...
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“For best results stay grounded, turn your face towards the sun, and remember, you have...
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“Mama said their’d be days like this…she just didn’t say there’d be this dang many!”...
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“It takes many tiny feathers to make a pair of wings.” Small words: “keep going!”...
$ 4.95
“Hold tight, dear. The mess is so often where the magic is.” Small words: “Sometimes...
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“Sometimes, the path that will bring you the most joy will need some clearing.” Embrace...
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“Sometimes your journey will take you off of your path. It’s all part of the...
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“She packed up her potential and all she had learned, grabbed a Cute pair of...
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“Have only one rule: Be your wild, courageous, brilliant self every Single day. No matter...